Praktikant [start 2022 - maj 16]
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Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

titel + dato periode
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Sigríður Ólafsdóttir
titel + dato periode
My name is Sigríður Ólafsdóttir, or Sigga Ólafs, and I am from Akureyri, Iceland. I have recently graduated from KEA with the degree of PBA in Jewellery, Technology and Business.
In 2019 I had an internship with Hjalmar Hjalmarsson as a part of my studies. In my internship with Hjalmar I learned a great deal in goldsmith techniques, alongside being a part of establishing his sub-brand, Neo Jewellery CPH.
From this experience I have learned the hard work and responsibilities required to start a company in the competitive Danish jewellery industry.
My biggest passion in life is designing and making jewellery, where I tend to mix old school handcraft with new and innovative technologies.
I want to create jewellery that can last forever, and therefore I always concentrate on improving my skills to create high quality pieces. I also have a great interest in sustainability, and try my best to incorporate sustainable solutions into all my work.

Guldsmedelærling [fra Maj 2021]
My name is Benedict Axelsson and I’m from Iceland. I grew up on a farm and came to love crafting and working with my hands at a very young age. moving to the city opened up many possibilities and soon I found interest in making jewelry. in 10th grade I signed up for a jewelry course, following that I took a design course in college and then started studying goldsmithing. I’m currently enjoying my time as an apprentice goldsmith at Hjálmar Hjálmarsson and NEOcph.

Helena Hjortshøj Larsen
Praktikant + DATO PERIODE
Jeg blev introduceret for smykkeproduktion og håndværket i en ung alder, hvor leg og fantasi med perler fandt sted i min farfars værksted, samtidigt med min farmors smykkeskrin med en unik smykkesamling blev min tidlige inspirationskilde.
Denne inspiration og erfaring blev senere byggesten for produktion i 925 sølv på ungdomsskolen og danner i dag stadig rammerne for drømmen om en levevej som guldsmed. En drøm som har ført mig til at tage en uddannelse som designteknolog på KEA og herefter har arbejdet 4 år i modebranchen, hvor jeg forbedret min kompetencer inden for håndværk, design, sociale medier, marketing og virksomhedsopstart.
På trods af mine flere års erfaring i modebranchen, vender jeg altid tilbage til min store drøm om at uddanne mig som guldsmed, da jeg vil helt tæt på min passion for håndværket. Denne drøm ønsker jeg at gøre til virkelighed hos Hjalmar Hjalmarsson hvor jeg startede i praktik i november 2021 ved NEOCPH Jewellery.”

Julia Su Damgaard Andersen
Praktikant [sep.-okt. 2021]
Julia var vores praktikant i perioden september-oktober 2021, sammen med Signe Kjær Andersen. Julia er studerende fra KEA som Jeweller, Technology and Business.
Julia har en stor passion for smykker og det traditionelle håndværk bag smykke produktion. Julia var med i tilblivelsen af kollektionen FORMATION.

Katerina Zangerl
Praktikant [ 2021, frem til Juni 20]
My name is Katerina Zangerl,
I am currently a student at KEA in the Jewellery, Technology and Business program. As a part of the education we are required to complete a 6 month internship at a relevant company focused on jewellery, technology and business.
I feel very lucky to have found a placement at Hjalmar Hjalarsson and be a part of the Neocph team.
Ever since I was a child I have been fascinated by jewellery and the different ways it is designed and made. Art and creativity have always been a huge part of my life. I have developed a deep admiration and understanding for it over the years and will continue to do so for the rest of my life.
As a jewellery designer I strive to create beautiful high quality pieces with unique thought through designs, drawing inspirations from day to day life and the natural beauty surrounding me.
I have 4 years of experience in the jewellery field, having had great teachers to guide and teach me wonderful techniques and technical skills at the workbench. Furthermore I also have a background in Visual Arts which greatly helps in the design process and the freeing creative aspect of jewelry design.
I have and always will take great pride in being able to practice such a beautiful trade.

Ieva Zekeviciute
Praktikant [ 2021, frem til Juni 20]
I am a jewellery designer with a focus on 3D Modeling, Design and Conceptual thinking. I’m passionate about jewellery craftsmanship and I believe that traditional techniques could be expanded with new ones.
I came from Lithuania and I am studying, working and exploring Denmark for two years now. This international background affects my designs, development and personal metamorphosis. Development and changes – is the main theme of the new collection. In collaboration with goldsmith Hjalmar Hjalmarsson I work with precious metals and develop new designs.
All designs have arty and sculptural looks and are inspired by nature landscapes and earth textures. Also, most of the jewellery pieces have background stories and hidden messages. I believe that jewellery and little sculpture could be a way to communicate and speak in universal art language.

Hjalmar Hjalmarsson
NEOcph er iværksat af Hjalmar Hjalmarsson. Hjalmar er født på Island i 1960. Hjalmar var manager for import salg og distribution af reservedele for General Motors i Island og fik aspirant uddannelse indenfor marketing strategi, ledelse og økonomi, (1984 SIS Bifröst). Han begyndte derefter i efteråret 1987 i lære som guldsmed ved hans far Hjalmar Torfason. Et par år senere flyttede han til Danmark og arbejdede hos Petur Tryggvi, hvor han færdiggjorde guldsmede uddannelsen. Der fandt han sammen med sølvsmeden Gitte Tofteskov, og sammen åbnede de i 1994 butikken “Hjalmarsson” med galleri og værksted på Ndr. Frihavnsgade 14. Der har han siden arbejdet med håndværket og lavet håndlavede smykker og eget design og er nu parat til at give videre til næste generation.

Christian D. Rajkai
Christian Rajkai indgår i NEOcph primo 2021 med fokus på digitalisering, og på det globale marked, samt fokus på samarbejdet mellem uddannelsesinstitutioner og design/kunsthåndværk. Han har 30+ års erfaring fra reklamebranchen b.la. Senior Creative Director hos den største EU-baserede reklamevirksomhed (DDB/TribalDDB- Europe) og har iværksat en række virksomheder i bl.a Danmark, England og Kina. Christian har undervist på MBA/EMBA skoler i b.la Danmark, Kina og Storbritannien indenfor “International Brand Transfer” og “Communication Design”. Christian er en problemløser, motivator og en energisk driver i arbejdsprocesser.